design [di-ˈzīn]

  1. conceive and plan out in the mind;
  2. create, fashion, execute, or construct;
  3. indicate with a
Photo of Ovi Demetrian Jr


I'm Ovi, user experience designer, web design engineer, and writer

UX/UI design

Design thinking and processes focused on the user experience.
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Web design

A holistic approach to website design and content production workflow.
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Design system

Increase efficiency and improve consistency in quality.
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Content design

The user experience of interacting with compelling messaging.
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Blocks Edit

I'm the co-founder of Blocks Edit, a visual content editor for email marketing and landing pages, with inline editing to make updates intuitive, and platform agnostic to work with any service provider.

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Indie Aisle

My weekend side project, a collection of tools and services that enable core web features for independent creators; like focused stats tracking, form submitting, email subscribing, and digital orders.

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Blog post highlights

More thoughts on design and web tech →