design [di-ˈzīn]
- conceive and plan out in the mind;
- create, fashion, execute, or construct;
- indicate with a

I'm Ovi, user experience designer, web design engineer, and writer
I'm the co-founder of Blocks Edit, a visual content editor for email marketing and landing pages, with inline editing to make updates intuitive, and platform agnostic to work with any service provider.
My weekend side project, a collection of tools and services that enable core web features for independent creators; like focused stats tracking, form submitting, email subscribing, and digital orders.
Blog post highlights
Figuring out the best page container width
Using the CSS ch unit, and taking into account modern desktop screens.
My page layout grid system setup
Using CSS grid for a flexible, responsive, column-based system.
How I organize my CSS
Structuring my CSS code around newly supported CSS nesting.
Links page of what you follow
Beyond a blogroll, for all the updates you follow on the web.
A follow button for your site
Allow your visitors to get your updates by showing them the ways you’re available.
The only share links you need
Stop linking to social media platforms for others to share content on your site.
Start sending out emails
I used to tell people if they have something they want to share, the first thing they do is get a website up.