Ovi on design and tech

Posts on UI/UX design, web tech, and product usability

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Rolling out your design system →

A primer on design systems →

The landing page approach →

The indie web in action

My work on Indie Aisle: made for indie creators, based on indie web principles.

The micro guide to microformats

Why you should use microformats and some examples of how they work.

Pages indie creator theme →

5 core landing page techniques →

Simple stats →

Emails with landing pages →

AI needs better interfaces

Apple’s approach to AI is a step in the right direction for how we interact with generative AI.

Starter page boilerplate →

Blocks Edit for landing pages →

Form submit to email →

Starter email components theme →

Figuring out the best page container width

Using the CSS ch unit, and taking into account modern desktop screens.

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