design blog
- web design techniques;
- publishing on the web
- occasional ranting
On product design and web tech
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Attention deficit
Our phone is a distraction in not only wasting our time, but wasting our attention.
Email is back: on the state of coding email marketing templates
Slide deck and notes from my talk on email marketing for web developers.
Email's untapped potential for agencies and freelancers
There is a resurgence in email marketing and an increased demand for marketers, copywriters, designers, and developers.
Efficiency and quality are both possible with some design thinking
Design thinking is essentially both creative and analytical thinking working together holistically.
Email marketing's possibilities are a mindset we choose
An email client is our canvas, HTML and CSS are our paints and the tools we use for our content act as our paintbrush.
From marketing to sales
Just how marketing is a way to present ideas, sales is essentially trading those ideas with each other and goes hand in hand with marketing.
Now you're thinking with blocks (how to look at things modularly)
I'm going to guide you through using the power of thinking about email templates modularly, or in 'blocks'.
This thing called Marketing
I've been spending the last six months or so writing content for my startup, Blocks Edit, fine tuning the website to clearly communicate what the product does, how it does it, and who it's for, along with regularly writing blog posts to further promote the ideas behind it. And during this period, I learned what marketing really means.
Startup products and community
Lifting my head up from work to hear other people talk about their startup journeys while sharing mine helps me be more mindful of the ups and downs of running a business, appreciating the things that work well and making the stuff that doesn't feel less frustrating.
The ideal way to edit content in your email template
It ultimately allows you to put together content in a way that feels more natural and come out with the best quality email each time.
Introducing Blocks Edit, content management for email
Blocks Edit is now live and ready for you to improve how you send out marketing campaigns.
RIP Flash
Recently, Adobe officially announced it is discontinuing support for its Flash browser plugin by 2020.
The Transform app
Chris and Heidi Powell put all of their personal training experience in app form, giving people the assistance they’ve provided on their TV show, Extreme Weight Loss.
Being an Apple fan
I'm an Apple user because I want technology to fade into the background of what I'm doing.
Music discovery
A couple of months ago I found three burned CDs in a box somewhere labeled ‘Mix 2005’. I apparently made them over ten years ago at a time when I listened to music on a portable CD player that played MP3s. There are about 400 songs on the CDs.
The FBI vs Apple and our civil liberties
You may have heard about the FBI demanding that Apple crack into the iPhone used by one of the San Bernardino, California shooters. Apple has refused because they feel that it is a huge security risk to their customers. They have explained their stance on their website.
Designing interfaces and writing comics
For the interactive design work I’m doing recently, I’m in the process of designing ‘screens’ for a mobile app which is what you would see on the screen of your phone depending on what you’re doing in the app.
During the early days of MP3s, WinAmp was the best Windows MP3 player around. It had a simple interface that you could even change the look of by downloading 'skins'. I even made a couple of skins myself back then.
A look at my past publishing things on the web
Growing up, I've always enjoyed making things. As a kid, my favorite toys were Legos. I would draw all the time and wanted to be a animator when I grew up. It's no surprise then that I immediately got into computers as a kid, especially when it came to using a computer to make things.
Facebook algorithms and the problem with majority rule
...recently, Facebook started automating the filtering of posts which is really annoying because no one really knows exactly how the filters work.