Are you pod/audio/video-casting?

The New Media online community understands that podcasting is really a new way to enjoy original content. And like blogging has changed the way we receive news, 'content-casting' will be the way of the future for receiving audio and video content.

“No one is podcasting.”

Old Media (Newspapers)

“Everyone is podcasting.”

New Media (Web, generally tech geeks)

Well, both sides are right. The confusion seems to be with the perception of what podcasting is. Podcasting is audio or video content recieved through a subscription, or feed, and then synced, or downloaded, to an iPod.

Now, if you’re like me, you don’t have an iPod, you have some other kind of MP3 or portable video player and you don’t use iTunes or a Mac to get your podcasts. This is possible and is still considered podcasting. Also, if you’re like me, you don’t always sync your audio or video content to your portable player. You listen to it or watch it on your computer or your home entertainment system using something like Windows Media Center. And to most people this is also considered podcasting.

When I first heard about podcasting, I completely ignored it, thinking that it was just a fad for iPod freaks. I didn’t catch on until I found out about a particular podcast that I was interested in and decided to check out the website for it to see if it would convince to get an iPod just to ‘podcast’. When I tried getting these ‘podcasts’, I realized that they were just a series of downloadable MP3 files.

It seems like Old Media just isn’t aware of all the ways people are ‘podcasting’ besides and don’t fully grasp its further potential. The New Media online community understands that podcasting is really a new way to enjoy original content. And like blogging has changed the way we receive news, ‘content-casting’ will be the way of the future for receiving audio and video content.

And as more people begin to join in on the fun, the more content will be available until Old Media (and Hollywood) realize what’s going on and find a way to be a part of it instead of seeing it as a threat.

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